Friday, June 13, 2008

First AF Plants

Our first seeds, 'Better Boy Hybrid Tomato,' were started on June 2:

I had just about given up on the little guys, when I noticed sprouting on June 12:

The next night, the sprouts had doubled in size:

I decided to put them in a temporary planter:

In the morning, they were all standing straight up, about an inch tall on average. I moved them near a window, and when I walked by about 20 minutes later they were already bending toward the light.

Feisty little fellers! I think they're going to be hearty plants.

1 comment:

moonshiner said...

Celebrate good times!

I received seeds in the mail yesterday from the Iowa seed bank I discussed in an earlier post. I will see which ones are seasonally appropriate and put them in a paper towel.